
Pro-Forma / Mandatory Information of SLMCH as per MARB of NMC

Faculty of Medicine

Welcome to Sri Lalithambigai Medical College and Hospital (SLMCH)

medical college slmch

As a part of its another pioneering effort, Dr. MGR Group of Educational Institutions has opened a New Multispecialty Hospital at Adayalampattu, Maduravoyal, Chennai (Near Maduravoyal Junction).

With innovative facilities, state of the art infrastructure and highly experienced doctors, the hospital offers free comprehensive health care services under one roof to deliver upright patient centric care. The hospital provides 24 hours X 365 days Outpatient services, Inpatient Services with 330 beds, Surgical Care services General Surgery, Orthopedics Surgery, ENT Surgery, Pediatric Surgery etc.,. Well equipped like ICU/ICCU/SICU/PICU/NICU/IMCU are available. Other auxiliary features 24hrs lab facilities, Radiology, Ultrasound, Pharmacy and Blood Centre etc. The hospital has ultra-modern OT complex with 4 major operation theatres.

best critical care
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Clinic Rooms
Medical Wards
Critical Care Units

Our Services

OPD Services

Our outpatient service is started with enlistments on the ground floor and will be coordinated to the particular department based on patients’ requirements. Patients who need wheelchairs/stretchers will also be provided.

IPD Services

Hospital Inpatient care (IPD) necessitates that people who have a serious clinical issue, need continuous care to be admitted. We ensure a protected setting with deferential and compassionate care to your patients. 

Critical Care Services

ICU are spaces of the medical clinic where genuinely sick patients get particular consideration via serious checking and progressed life support. These units are likewise called basic consideration units, concentrated treatment units.

Evening Speciality Clinic

Evening Speciality Clinic where genuinely sick patients get particular consideration via serious checking and progressed life support. This clinic contains  basic consideration units, concentrated treatment units, or serious treatment units.

Our Founder Chancellor

Dr. A. C. Shanmugam

B.A., L.L.B, FIMSA, FRCPS (Glasgow, UK)
Former M.L.A & M.P
Founder Chancellor

It is my pleasure to invite you to Sri Lalithambigai Medical College and Hospital. Your interest in our University is generally welcome and particularly appreciated.